Art On Train

Mandated by the organizers and Lausanne Photoclub, I attended the second edition of the ART ON TRAIN festival to create a short film.

Art On Train

Mandated by the organizers and Lausanne Photoclub, I attended the second edition of the ART ON TRAIN festival to create a short film.

Spanning a Jura valley from Vallorbe to Pontarlier, a once-defunct railway line now operates as a tourist steam train route (Coni'Fer). One of its stations hosted this vibrant street art and graffiti festival.

ART ON TRAIN | Graffiti & Street art Festival
Un voyage inoubliable - Conifer
Remontez le temps à toute vapeur !
PhotoClub Lausanne
Voici les photos gagnantes du concours “Peintures urbaines / Graffitis” jugé par les membres présents lors de la séance du 18 Juin 2024